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Dette kurset har ingen fremtidige kursdato(er) oppført. Bruk skjemaet for å kontakte kursholderen for mer informasjon.
Master in international marketing
Do you want to invest in your career?
Strategic Marketing is about creating future-proof businesses that are able to create value for their customers, and make money in an ever-changing marketplace. This is a master's programme for people who like to communicate, and support their message with a thorough understanding of statistics and analysis to substantiate their communication to their targeted market. The programme could be your path to a leadership career in marketing management. Your understanding of digital platforms and new ways of reaching the market will be highly sought after.
Mount Everest, Nepal
A personal statement is required. Please provide a statement that shows how your own interests are linked to the programme. In this statement please describe your academic background, your reasons for applying for this programme and what you hope to gain from it, including any relevant experience, strengths, ambitions or research interests. Note: while not a requirement, some familiarity with data analysis/statistical software, such as Microsoft Excel, is recommended.
2 Years
Once a month
Bachelor students in Marketing
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